That catchy title is a tad misleading, it should read Men AND Woman at (Ply)Werk since Cyndy was here. Where? For the millionth time, Plywerk has migrated to Southern California. Don’t worry though, it made the trip with it’s heart and soul intact.
We even had help from some of the Plywerk OG’s in getting settled. Cyndy, JJ, and Kjell came by to help us get lean and mean. Well, just lean. The only time people get mean around here is when a cluster of blogs get posted late Friday night. It’s ok, they don’t beat me too hard and I deserve it.
But back to lean. What’s that you might ask? It’s just like it sounds. Trimming the fat in the workplace so the day-to-day runs smoothly. In this case it means re-organizing our warehouse woodworking corner. In the past it looked like a Double Dare obstacle course, now it’s more like a Physical Challenge. We’re not at a 100% yet, but things are definitely coming together nicely, have a look.
That’s no ordinary hunk of wood, that’s Wes. He works here.
“Pull my finger.”
Boss-man being a BOSS.
“I swear, you’ve got the most BEAUTIFUL eyes.”
JJ, hard at work.
Chris, hardly working.
Cyndy PlyWERKIN’ it! Hahaha… oh god, I’m sorry.
“Goggles? Psh, I got glasses!”
“Wait… ow! Damnit, maybe I can blink it out”
Don’t worry, he didn’t cut himself… THAT bad.
The post Men At (Ply)Werk appeared first on PLYWERK Blog.